"I would like to be more than just a member, how can I help?"

That is a Great Question! Volunteers are the life blood of many museums, and a key resource. We would love to talk with you further about donating some of your resources, time and skills to the Liberty Aviation Museum. Opportunities for volunteering fall into several areas for you to choose from.
Docent – (Pronounced DOUGH-sent) - The technical name which means Educator. Yes, it is derived from Latin –docere- to teach. Within museums a Docent is an important part of the staff. Docents volunteer their time and energy because he or she is interested in the collections of the museum, and passionate about sharing this interest with others. Aviation and history buffs would be a great candidate for providing guided tours and answering questions. We’ve got some Great Objects, and even Greater stories to tell about the individual’s association with them, and we will need your help.
Filing/Archiving/Cataloging – Our initial collections were large, and we are currently cataloging them. In addition, we continue to receive new donations. With ourcollections growing, we are in need of analytical individuals who would like to help catalog these objects so future historians can appreciate and continue the research.
Clerical/Administrative – Seeking skilled, talented and interested recruits in helping with data entry for our Contact Resource Management for members, donors, volunteers, etc.
General Cleaning and Stocking - KP if you will… We will need weekly light duty dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming of museum, hangar and office areas.
Special Events - Aviation museums are magnets for special events and fund raisers. These events create great opportunities to see additional visiting aircraft, and meet new friends.
Museum Collection Displays – Our Collections Display volunteers will be fabricating display cases for our collections as well as having “hands-on” experience with our Restoration Crew if desired.
Marketing Dept. – Experienced marketing professionals can help in Membership recruitment, Fundraising, and Public Relations.
Craftsmen and Technical Dept. – For those who are mechanically inclined and want to contribute their skills towards, restoration projects, and maintenance on Aircraft, then here is a real opportunity for HANDS ON HISTORY. If wooden boats are more your interest, then you might want to participate in our PT Boat restoration projects. When you consider the Centennial of World War II is thirty years away… you could be contributing to the preservation and leaving your touch on some truly unique historical objects.
Application for Volunteers - Download our volunteer application.
Print off application, complete, & drop off or mail to:
Liberty Aviation Museum
Attn: Volunteer Staffing
3515 East State Road
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452
Phone: 419-732-0234 Or E-mail to marketing@libertyaviationmuseum.org